Voicemail #272487 from 0737194xxx
Friday 26/07/2024 10:39am (Sent from Brisbane, (general area) via Telstra Corporation Limited)

Caller said "Hey Joshua from insurance. I just trying to help you out on the quote because you started online for your vehicle. I'll try you again in the next couple days."

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Friday 26/07/2024 10:38am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Hey, it's Louise from Youi. Just tried calling about your quote 4222xxxxxx Call me back on 0731xxxxxx, otherwise, when's a good time to chat?

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Friday 26/07/2024 10:36am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Youi Quote. Hi Joshua, 5595 is your secure PIN that you need to enter to continue your tailor-made quote.

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Friday 26/07/2024 10:36am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Youi Quote. Hi Joshua, 5595 is your secure PIN that you need to enter to continue your tailor-made quote.

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Voicemail #272483 from 0466878xxx
Friday 26/07/2024 09:51am (Sent from Corrimal, NSW (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Caller said "Mate. I'm just, it's staring, it, it's gonna have to be it though. 430. Is it, mate? I've only got, that's, that's maximum. So we'll do this. Ok."

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Voicemail #272482 from 0466878xxx
Friday 26/07/2024 09:49am (Sent from Corrimal, NSW (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Caller said "Yeah. Well, uh, no, it has to be mate."

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Voicemail #272470 from 0468824xxx
Thursday 25/07/2024 04:04pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Caller said "000."

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Voicemail #272466 from 0251198xxx
Thursday 25/07/2024 02:44pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Caller said "You have an urgent document notification for details. Please press one for English. Please press two for Chinese."

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Voicemail #272457 from 0409128xxx
Thursday 25/07/2024 12:14pm (Sent from St Johns Park, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)

Caller said "Ok."

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Wednesday 24/07/2024 05:53pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Andy from Compare Club here, sorry we missed you! Ready to chat health cover? Book a time and we'll call you: [censored] STOP to opt-out

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