13 Sweet Wattle Drive, Cranbourne South Hi, The price for 13 Sweet Wattle Drive, Cranbourne South has been reduced. The revised price range is now $1,480,000 - $1,550,000. Please let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like to arrange an inspection. Best regards, Sujjad Fayazee O'Brien Real Estate 0448xxxxxx

You're invited to our open at (13 Sweetwattle Drive Sat 18th of January 12pm to 12:30pm (Sujjad ) OBRE Optout SMS STOP

You're invited to our open at 13 Sweet Wattle Drive Cranbourne South Sat 12.10 pm to 12:40pm Sujjad Fayazee Team Matt Dewan OBRE Optout SMS STOP

Good afternoon Jamie This is Sujjad from Obrien real estate cranbourne you inspected one of our property about weeks ago i thought to give you a call to see if you have find something yet and to let you know we have a couple of new properties thanks Best Regards Sujjad Fayazee