Hi Thanh, thanks for your course enquiry with Foundation Education. One of our Career Advisors will be in touch soon to discuss this course and potential employment outcomes. To speak with an Advisor now call 1300xxxxxx RTO22xxxxxx

Hi Thanh, we're down to the final day of our discounted course fees under the September Promotion! Enrol before 5pm AEST today to get our September reduced course fees and receive our bonus short course pack. Ready to enrol? Reply YES or call Quanah 0732xxxxxx Foundation Education RTO#22xxxxxx

Hey Thanh, we are finalising enrolments today for Foundation Educations August intake. This is the LAST day to take advantage of our LOWEST price of the year. Receive a further $400 off the upfront and $200 off all payment plans. Secure your spot now with just a $100 deposit! Ready to enrol? Reply YES or call Quanah directly on 0732xxxxxx RTO#22xxxxxx

Hi Thanh, less than 3 days remaining to take advantage of Foundation Educations lowest pricing! Enrol before the 31st of August and receive a further $400 discount on the upfront cost or $200 on all payment plans. Reply YES if you would like to enrol or call Quanah on 0732xxxxxx RTO#22xxxxxx

Hi Thanh, Foundation Education has been given approval to take a futher $200 off ALL payment options until the end of August. This is one of our lowest prices ever with savings on your course cost and a complimentary Career Support Program. Kickstart your new career today

Hi Thanh, It seems like I've missed you again. When would be the best time to catch you? Leslie - Foundation Education - 0732xxxxxx

Hi Thanh I tried to call you earlier in regarding the course that you've enquired about but I had no luck catching you! When would be a better time to call? Leslie - Foundation Education - 073xxxxxx