Voicemail #265030 from 0412678xxx
Tuesday 07/11/2023 01:35pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Caller said "Hey Shayla it's aston(?) from Inside Retail here. Give me a ring back on 0412xxxxxx Cheers."

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Voicemail #265031 from 0412678xxx
Tuesday 07/11/2023 01:35pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Caller said "Hey Shayla it's aston(?) from Inside Retail here. Give me a ring back on 0412xxxxxx Cheers."

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Voicemail #265436 from 0412678xxx
Thursday 27/07/2023 02:44pm (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Caller said "Hey Dan at sorrento(?) ... here give me a ring back on 0412xxxxxx Cheers."

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