Sunday 23/07/2023 08:51pm (Sent from Perth, WA (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Hi, are you still selling those XL Bad Dragon dildos?

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Friday 10/02/2023 10:11pm (Sent from Perth, WA (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Why was I rejected UnU

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Friday 27/01/2023 08:00pm (Sent from Perth, WA (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Hi daddy

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Voicemail #259360 from 0432607xxx
Friday 27/01/2023 07:58pm (Sent from Perth, WA (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Caller said "Hi love shoving(?) bell peppers up my."

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