Voicemail #264163 from 0410602xxx
Tuesday 04/07/2023 04:46pm (Sent from Unknown via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

Caller said "Hey doug(?) it's Tony. I just wanted to discuss the machine information. But."

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Voicemail #263280 from 0410602xxx
Saturday 10/06/2023 09:18am (Sent from Unknown via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Voicemail #263270 from 0410602xxx
Friday 09/06/2023 06:43pm (Sent from Unknown via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

Caller said "Hey Jay it's Tony. Give me a call back or I can I can send you a text."

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Voicemail #263139 from 0410602xxx
Wednesday 07/06/2023 12:44pm (Sent from Unknown via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

Caller said "Hi Jade it's just Tony here. If you can please give me a call back when you can. I'd like you to just please take a couple of photos."

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