Friday 05/01/2018 01:26pm (Sent from Unknown via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

So this is my final message to you. The number I was given for you was a rejection line. So you obviously don’t want to be found. Scotty, many years ago your friendship helped me through an incredibly difficult time in my life; you’re probably clueless to the fact. I never thought either of us would make it through ‘life’ and I’ve thought of you often over the last 25 years. When my bestie committed suicide, I decided I wanted to find those who helped me in my dark days. And so my search for you started, back in 2001. In recent years my health has taken a hit and it has become my mission to find you, and a few others, and thank them for getting me through. So really this message is just to say sincerely, thank you. I wish you all the happiness, love and success that life can throw at you. Life is short Scott. There are people who love you. Don’t loose them. Good luck, my old friend. Take care. Much love to you always. Melanie (Whitbread).

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