Thursday 06/06/2019 04:40pm (Sent from Darlinghurst, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

Hey Jason, Renae from Nationwide Solar Solutions here. I was just calling today to touch base with you and see how you're coming along with your solar journey. If you have an questions or inquiries, please feel free to call our team whenever suits you. Hope you have a lovely week! Renae

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Wednesday 01/05/2019 01:35pm (Sent from Darlinghurst, NSW (best guess) via Vodafone Australia Pty Limited)

Hey Jason, Renae from Nationwide Solar Solutions here. I was just calling today to touch base with you and see how you're coming along with your solar journey. If you have an questions or inquiries, please feel free to call our team whenever suits you. Hope you have a lovely week! Renae

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