Saturday 11/06/2022 10:16am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Whoever you are I'm reporting you to the police made my son pay for his course to do his RIW to work on your RAIL thing which isn't even real!! There is two addresses for that property!! And now there is No course and my boy just paid you $160 for a scam!! You messed with the wrong kid watch I will find you and you will pay for this. The police are on it with details and everything and are now going to make sure you pay for this!!!! Pay back that money or else!! Taking advantage of an innocent kid looking for work!!!

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Voicemail #252751 from 0412259xxx
Saturday 11/06/2022 10:01am (Sent from Unknown via Unknown)

Caller said "Hi Chris it's Glen. Whatever your name is. You have."

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Voicemail #252746 from 0412259xxx
Saturday 11/06/2022 09:54am (Sent from Cremorne Point, NSW (best guess) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

You missed a call, but the caller didn't leave a message.

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