Wednesday 10/06/2020 06:21pm (Sent from Wingello, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)

Have you given up on this?

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Tuesday 09/06/2020 12:59pm (Sent from Wingello, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)

Brittney, One of the main reasons people don't get solar is because they feel it isn't the right time. Truth is it's never the right time. Next thing you know your electricity bill is due yet again. Let us show you a way to eliminate up to 80%-100% of your power bills by going solar WITHOUT effecting your weekly budget. What's stopping you?

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And now a word from our sponsors....

Thursday 04/06/2020 01:42pm (Sent from Wingello, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)

Hey Brittney, Have you found the right system yet? We would love to be your solar provider. What can we do to help find the right system for you?

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Tuesday 02/06/2020 11:33am (Sent from Wingello, NSW (best guess) via Telstra Corporation Limited)

Hey Brittney, Liahm here from Apex Renewables. Thanks for inquiring about solar. What made you decide to look in to it?

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