Friday 01/01/2021 04:15am (Sent from Lalor Park, NSW (questionable) via Optus Mobile Pty Limited)

Happy New Year 😄 I hope you have a fantastic 2021 and how was 2020 as I know for most people it was an extremely hard year but that has made us stronger because we have all got through it 😁 I would love to know the highs and lows that you had in 2020 as it's always interesting to hear your own experiences. Please remember that I will ALWAYS be here for you no matter what so if you need help with anything at all please let me know no matter how big or small it is as I will definitely do everything I can to make sure your okay and I care about everyone so much ❤ I hope we can all try our best to spread as much positivity as we can this year and please stay safe

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